Mengatasi Kerusakan TV mati protek & LED kedip-kedip

Mengatasi Kerusakan TV mati protek & LED kedip-kedip

Dokumen ini kami susun dari berbagai sumber dan dari hasil pengalaman kerja pribadi sebagai bengkel service, trainer kursus service radio-tv dan pengalaman bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan elektronik yang pernah mempunyai kerja sama dengan perusahaan Jepang, Korea dan China sebagai manager service station, sebagai manager teknik departemen customer service pusat dalam mengelola dan menyediakan (sumber daya manusia) teknisi. Didedikasikan untuk para teknisi televisi maupun mereka yang lagi belajar. Tujuannya adalah agar dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam teknik reparasi TV.

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Teknik Dasar Service Tv

Teknik Dasar Service Tv

Berikut ini adalah tehnik dasar bagaimana cara menganalisa kerusakan pada pesawat televisi :
-jenis-jenis kerusakan dan cara mengetahui kerusakan :

1. mati total.

- jika pesawat televisi tiba-tiba mati, pertama kali yang harus dilakukan adalah :

a. buka smua skrup yang ada.

b. lihat apakah fuse/sekering putus,bila putus coba ganti dengan ukuran ampere yang sama trus nyalain. jika fuse putus lagi berarti daerah power suply yang rusak.

cara mengatasinya :

- Coba ukur elco yang paling besar.ukurannya biasanya 100uf/400v.ukur bolak-balik pake avometer skala 10 ohm.jika keduanya nyambung kemungkinan diode atau transistornya rusak.

- Coba test/ukur dioda yg ada di dekat saklar on/off,ada 4 buah.pake avometer di skala 10 ohm.ukur bolak-balik.jika nyambung keduanya berarti rusak.ganti dgn ukuran yang sama.

- Coba ukur transistor yang besar,berkaki tiga.ukur kaki nomor 2 dan 3 bolak-balik pake avometer skala 10 ohm.jika keduanya nyambung berarti rusak.ganti dengan nomor yang sama.

- jika elco besar diukur sudah tidak nyambung berarti suply udah bagus.coba nyalain lagi

- kalo masih ndak mau nyala coba ukur transistor horizontal yang ada deket plyback.caranya sama dgn diatas. moga membantu
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Teknik Dasar mencari kerusakan DVD

Teknik Dasar mencari kerusakan DVD

Prosedur sederhana reparasi(service) DVD
Mati total

A. perhatikan gejala mati total tersebut apakah karena disebabkan tegangan dari listrik PLN memang tidak masuk sama sekali?
* biasanya mati total ini ditandai dengan tidak adanya sama sekali indikator yang menyala
bila anda mempunyai multimeter dapat dengan mudah mengukur tegangan listrik dari kabel power ke rangkaian regulator(power supply)
* bila memang tegangan power dari PLN masuk ke dalam unit power supply ,bisa di ukur tegangan output dari power supply tersebut :DVD model terbaru hanya menggunakan 2 buah tegangan yaitu +5V dan +12V ,umumnya model lama agak sedikit rumit Karena menggunakan +12V,-12V,+5V,+3,3V.
* bila ternyata tegangan tersebut semua ada bisalah dipastikan Decoder Board nya yang rusak,atau istilah keren dikalangan montir adalah MPEG ,tetapi jangan anda langsung mengganti MPEG tersebut karena biasanya bukan rusak dari rangkaian "Hardware" ,tetapi ada kemungkinan rusak karena "Firmware" corrupt,atau hilang ,jadi jangan terburu buru ganti MPEG ,apalagi DVD model baru yang menggunakan SPI Flash ,itu lebih sering rusak" firmwarenya"solusinya tinggal isi lagi "firmwarenya" dari PC ke DVD player tersebut .

B.Tidak ada suara

*gejala tidak ada suara biasanya di karekan rangkaian Mute bekerja atau bisa juga karena Ic Pre amp (4558) rusak.
bila rusak karena rangkaian mute bekerja ,saya sering mencabut 2 buah transistor pada bagian Mute tersebut,kerusakan ini sering tsaya dapati pada DVD Vitron.

C.problem no disk pada DVD

*penyebab utama adalah optik,tetapi perhatikan dulu gejalanya ,karena juga terkadang dari motor spindel(motor tempat piringan DVD muter gitu maksudnya).
*bisa terjadi juga dikarenakan kabel flexsible rusak.

kerusakan optik biasa pada umumnya terjadi karena laser dioda sudah tidak menghasilkan output power yang sesuai ,umumnya output laserdiode DVD player adalah 7mW untuk DVD,untuk VCD danCD berkisar antara 5mW
dan juga kerusakan bisa terjadi karena sudut penembakan laser diode yang tidak presisi ,karena begitu kecil ukurannya bagi mata awam untuk membuat ukuran tersebut normal kembali yaitu mikrometer,jadi sebenarnya optik yang rusak bisa diperbaiki dengan menggunakan alat yang lengkap ,tetapi karena harga alat tersebut amat mahal ,lebih baik beli yang sudah jadi

menurut datasheet optik sf hd 60-62,65 menggunakan jenis laser dode buatan toshiba yaitu TOLD2000MDA(TOLD 2000FDA) sedangkan KHM 310;313 menggunakan laser diode SONY
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Tips Memilih Baju Pengantin

Tips Memilih Baju Pengantin

Bagi Si Ratu Sehari, gaun pengantin adalah hal yang penting untuk dipikirkan. Ketika semua mata akan memandangnya, yang terlilhat pertama kali adalah gaun lan sang pengantin wanita. Berikut tips membeli gaun yang akan menjadi menemani Anda memasuki lembar baru kehidupan Anda:

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Tips to Pick Out The Best Web Hosting Service optimal

Tips to Pick Out The Best Web Hosting Service optimal

Blogging has became a regular system to promote content also express your business online. This reputation is remembered in the numerous notation of current sites that run up every day. Today, Internet based businesses are everywhere.
It’s so uncomplicated, anybody could be on it thanks to computers, still we require an excellent hosting service that may accommodates our requirements. A web hosting provider who could preserve a 24 times connection to the Internet continually. A service that holds me annexed to the entire world.
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Tips Remove adware

Tips Remove adware

After a day of trying different anti-adware and anti-spayware found on the Internet, it seems that called adware not yet moved, until he finally found a very simple, yet powerful, way to clear DNS cache. Apparently, kidnappers have not saved the file in the Computer , but attacking DNS is used, then the easiest to deal is clear the DNS cache.

following way clear dns cache in windows xp:

* Click Start, and then click Run.
* Then type cmd, and then click
* OK After exit the command prompt, type ipconfig / flushdns
* Click Enter.
* If successful, it will come out the words "Successfully flushed the DNS resolver cache".
* Done.

Since machine translation is not as good as human translation, we give you three alternative translations. Feel free to choose the best. Please wait a moment while loading the result.
However, sometimes when doing nothing is not Clear DNS Cache to work, and write

Could not flush the DNS Resolver Cache: Function Failed During Execution.
If this happens, you must perform the following steps:
* Click Start, and then click Run.
* Then type services.msc, and then click
* OK twice click on DNS Client.
* In the Startup type, select Automatic.
* Click the Start button, then click the Apply button.
* Click the OK button. After this, do step backwards Clear DNS Cache as described above, to get out the words "Successfully flushed the DNS resolver cache".

hopefully help
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Contact Me

Contact Me

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My Friend

My Friend

if you want to exchange link seo level my friend
<a href="">Oktora Blog</a>
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Tips accelerate pc

Tips accelerate pc

Most of you are using windows operating systems , but not all of you knows about the working of task manager .Its not just a simple window that gives you details about what programs are running , its definitely more than that .You can make your PC really fast , if you know some of the basic tricks of Task Manager . Let us first discuss something about task manager .

There are 3 ways to open Task Manager .First you can open it by right clicking the task bar  and selecting task manger , if you don’t see task manger there then you PC is infected with virus  . Secondly you can open it by pressing ctrl + shift +Esc . Thirdly you can launch task manager by pressing ctrl+Alt+delete  in your keyboard .
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Computer maintenance tips , take care before being damageD

Computer maintenance tips , take care before being damageD

How to care maintain a computer, pc, or laptop, especially the CPU will that usually only be done after get an error or being damaged. So, I think this is less precise. In their use of computers should be done periodically at both the CPU and the monitor. Actually there are some fundamental things that we often forget to do with how to care for a computer, which can cause damage to the computer.
Maybe, we may not realize it, but your computer and your car have something in common: they both need regular maintenance. No, you don't need to change your computer's oil. But you should be updating your software, keeping your antivirus subscription up to date, and checking for spyware. Read on to learn what you can do to help improve your computer's security.

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Tips to Overcome Viruses on Your Computer

Tips to Overcome Viruses on Your Computer

Viruses,Trojans,Spywares,Worms they are a disturbance on a computer that is caused by external parties for different purposes such as to steal your data, damaging your hardware, delete files, eliminate certain functions, took over the controls on your computer ,etc. To be sure there are no viruses or spywares that brings profit-making on the infected computer.

If you've let your guard down,or even if you have not, it can be hard to tell if your PC is infected. Here's what to do if you suspect the worst.

Heard this one before? You must run antivirus software and keep it up to date or else your PC will get infected, you'll lose all your data, and you'll incur the wrath of every e-mail buddy you unknowingly infect because of your carelessness.

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How to Install Widgets Google PageRank (PR)

How to Install Widgets Google PageRank (PR)

Some time ago there was a question of Mas Bayu on how to install widgets Google Pagerank (PR) and Alexa. Baiklah, saya jawab sekarang. Well, my answer now. . Perhaps this is useful also for my friends bloggers who blog widgets have not been given homework.
  widget Google PR. Google widget is actually a lot of homework. . But, the most popular is the output Mypagerank. Oke, live tutorialnya: Okay, go directly to the tutorial:
1. 1. Buka situs Mypagerank . Go to site Mypagerank .
2. 2. Klik 'Google Pagerank Button'. Click 'Google Pagerank Button'.

3. 3. Masukkan URL blog anda. Enter the URL of your blog. Misalnya:, lalu klik 'Check PR'. For example:, then click 'Check PR'.

4. 4. Muncul pilihan model widget PR. Appears PR model selection widget. Klik salah satu yang anda sukai. Click on one you like.

5. 5. Masukkan skrip di bawahnya ke blog anda. Enter the script below to your blog.
6. 6. Selesai. Done.
Untuk pemasangan widget Alexa Ranking, tunggu postingan yang akan datang. To install the widget Alexa Ranking, wait for the upcoming posts.
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10 world leaders who had married his own sister

10 world leaders who had married his own sister

Married to his own cousin phenomenon often occurs in society, the phenomenon also terjuadi on some famous people. Dibawah ini adalah daftar nama-nama orang terkenal didunia yang pernah menikah dengan saudara sepupunya sendiri Below is a list of the names of famous people on earth who never married his own cousin

Jesse James menikahi saudara sepupunya sendiri yang bernama Zerelda "Zee" Mimms. Jesse James married his own cousin named Zerelda "Zee" Mimms. Mereka mempunyai dua orang anak dan tetap menikah sampai Jesse meninggal pada tahun 1882 pada usia 34 tahun. They have two children and remained married until Jesse died in 1882 at the age of 34 years.
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